Re-learning Things with our Children

Re-learning Things with our Children

I’ve had many thoughts about re-learning things alongside my children.

Ah, this is when I’ll relearn  about the American Revolution. (I didn’t. Though I learned more than I did the first time around.)

This is when I’ll learn all the state capitols. (I did, mostly.)

This is when I’ll learn about ancient civilizations or re-learn about the missions. (Nope.)

What have I learned? I have learned that being a mom is a lesson in trying to be the best ME I can be.  (I still haven’t learned that yet. I’m a work in progress, as are all parents.)Being a parent has taught me to think on my feet and problem solve better than any job or school lesson could. Just thinking up solutions to spur-of-the-moment ‘problems’ like what to do when there is only one flavor of a favorite candy left and you have more than one kid, how to quickly exit a store when your toddler is having an epic meltdown and you can’t quite tackle them gracefully, how to navigate the car music when each kid wants something different, how to McGyver an old Halloween costume so you don’t have to buy the same costume twice.

As a parent, I’ve learned to be humble. And I’ve learned how to bring out my childhood ‘braggart’ too.  Though I remind myself not to brag, I am SO incredibly proud of my children’s creative minds. I realize it comes out as obnoxious, but my inner eight-year-old Melanie can’t stop bragging about their accomplishments, even though I try not to be THAT mom. I’m mostly not. I’m also proud of the fact that both girls have HUGE hearts and can empathize with the deepest and tiniest of burdens among their peers. Kindness goes a long way.

And humble?  Yes, I’ve learned to be humble because I have made many, many, MANY mistakes. I’ve snapped at Mr. Bookworm and the girls even though I regret it right away.  I’ve been less than patient and escalated a meltdown even though I tell myself to take deep breaths. The swear jar would be overflowing with money just from me. 

Yes, I’ve fought many battles within myself. And that’s okay.  I know I’m not perfect. I try to start each day without recriminations just for myself because it would be crippling.  I remind myself that “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it,” a special quote from Anne of Green Gables that my sisters and mom and I like to repeat.  And like my own imperfect but perfect mom, I start again. 

This is also how I relate to my patient families.  I’ve been there for many dramas and battles and sweet moments too.  At the office, just like at home, some days are tougher than others. But I keep trying my best, that’s all that I can do.

And last week?  Last week I learned where most of the countries in Africa and Eastern Europe were located. And some parts of Asia.  I don’t think I would have scored as well as Mini Me did on her Geo Quiz because it went into my short term memory.  But I like that we learned them together. 

Tell Dr. Bookworm!

What have you re-learned as an adult or in the course of being a parent?

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