All in Dr.Bookworm Book Rec

Leo, A Ghost Story

It's the time of ghost and goblins and ghouls.  And it's also the perfect time for me to recommend Leo: A Ghost Story to you all. Currently I've been fangirling (Is fanboying a saying too?) over picture books that have a very specific monochromatic color scheme.  And picture books that are more than what they seem.  Leo: A Ghost Story encompasses both of those things!

What Do You Love About You?

What Do You Love About You? by Karen Lechelt starts off with a little girl and her kitten next to a pile of stuffed animals.  (And the author's dedication "To My Moon" stole my heart from the very beginning.)  The girl then asks each animal friend in turn what they love about themselves.  Each animal then answers, and in doing so shows us what diversity can bring into our lives, but also teaches about loving ourselves too.  Such a simple yet heartfelt message that isn't too didactic or over-the-top. 

xo, ox

Suffice it to say that I like palindromes.  What's a palindrome?  Something that reads the same forward and backward.  Like xo, ox by Adam Rex and illustrated by Scott Campbell, my current favorite picture book.  xo, ox is a perfect little unexpected love story that made me laugh out loud again and again.