First Pages: Twilight

First Pages: Twilight

As promised, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight is the second book in our first pages study session this month in honor of National Novel Writing Month. Why?  Again because both the Harry Potter series and The Twilight Saga were instrumental in changing the face of children's book publishing.


Twilight first lines:

I have to admit that I love how Stephenie Meyer starts Twilight with the immediate sense that Bella is facing death. And immediate intrigue over who 'the hunter' is. This preface is great because it pulls you through the somewhat mundane details of the first chapter.

As you see in our recent (re) read-along of Twilight, this re-read dragged a bit for me....until Bella meets Edward. If SM started Twilight with the actual first chapter and lines, I wouldn't be as intrigued.

So far, with HP and Twilight, they both have hooks and mystery and intrigue that makes the reader want to continue reading.  Great clues for us unpublished writers!

P.S. I gave in.  I'm officially participating in NaNo this year.  I thought it would be easier than trying to familiarize myself with my YA novel again and then finishing the last 10,000 or so words.  So currently I'm working on a chapter book, with the goal of around 30K words.  I've got 1000 down so far.  Woohoo!

Tell Dr. Bookworm!

What do you think about the beginning of Twilight? 

Do you have any First Lines/First Pages suggestions for me to discuss this month?


First Pages: Eleanor & Park

First Pages: Eleanor & Park

First Pages: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

First Pages: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone