Welcome back, Doctor Bookworm

Welcome back, Doctor Bookworm

Hello, fellow bookworms! It’s almost December and we are 8 1/2 months into this pandemic. (longer, depending on where you live) Ever since I started this blog 4 1/2 years ago, I found it to be my happy place. I love sharing my love of books and the occasional ‘doctorly musings’ with all of you. And I had been consistent with posting…until now.

Ever since last February I have been obsessively reading about COVID, both in medical and (mostly) news articles. The reading got worse in late March/early April when I would read (with horror) about what some of our brave frontline health care workers have been doing. In Spain, in China, in New York. And I waited for the surge to happen here in SoCal. It didn’t come, but it may be coming now. (Please wear a mask and consider your social distancing choices.)

Today’s post isn’t about that. What I’d like to talk about is a huge BUZZ word in social media and the news, but it’s an important one, especially as we are headed for the colder months here in the U.S. (or are already there), especially as we hit pandemic fatigue and are missing our loved ones with the upcoming holidays.


What does that actually mean?

For me, I’ve been trying to be KINDER to myself. So if I don’t get everything done that I meant to get done (despite being off for most of this week), I forgive myself. Maybe I needed all day yesterday to read (Books! Not news!). Maybe I needed to ignore my months-long chore of trying to organize Little Lion’s clothes and closet. We finally got her a new dresser about a month ago. But there are mountains of too-small but well-loved clothes that need to be organized. Well, maybe Little Lion needed all day yesterday to work on her writing. So I’m justified in leaving that chore for today. :D

What else does self-care mean for me right now?

Besides reminding myself to get off my phone from reading news about the election, coronavirus, social injustices etc, I have been:

  • practicing yoga

  • also eating a lot of chips and chocolate

  • making sure the four of us get outside once a day (though it doesn’t always happen)

  • lounging

  • shopping online (mostly window shopping in which I put a million things in my cart and let it sit there)

  • thinking about the blog (and then not posting)

  • reading books (though not as much as I’d like to)

  • reading my own writing (to encourage myself to write again)

  • studying (Yes, even though I’ve been a doctor for seventeen years, I’m still studying. There’s always more to review and re-learn or learn. And, it steers me away from the news)

  • checking in on friends and family

  • figuring out ways to keep our girls engaged with family and friends and keep our minds ‘active’, especially for Mini Me who is still in distance learning mode.

  • But most of all, I’ve been reminding myself that it’s OKAY not to achieve everything.

What does taking care of yourself mean to you?

By Way of Re-introduction

By Way of Re-introduction

Back to School and Audiobooks

Back to School and Audiobooks