It's Been a YEAR and more

It's Been a YEAR and more

Many of us hit pandemic fatigue last winter. I know that I did. And then a lovely thing happened: I started to get more hopeful after Mr. Bookworm and Mini Me were able to get vaccinated in April/May/June. Except we are still waiting on Little Lion to get vaccinated as she is still too young.

The numbers were improving, hospitalizations plummeted, we tentatively did more activities that we felt were safe and in a safe way. And then DELTA happened. Which we knew that the delta variant would come to to U.S.

It has been a challenge. No matter which side of the vaccine issue you fall on (and I do see both sides as I’ve talked to a few adults with bad side effects), there has been much division and less respect than I would like. I’ve had many conversations about vaccines and pandemic with many families, all with their individual points of view. I think the KEY is respect and listening, and that’s what I’m trying to do when I bring up the conversation with my patients. Please note that I make zero money whether your child gets vaccinated or not—I just like to open up the topic so that people can ask questions.

Just as we have many different people come into our office, we have many different opinions and reactions. Some people are DONE talking about covid and vaccines, some people welcome the chance to ask questions, some people have already been vaccinated, and some people are wary when I bring it up.

It’s been tiring. But it’s still something I like to bring up, in the limited time I have with my patients.

Because I follow a lot of Disney fan accounts on Instagram, I have seen many people reminding others to be kind to the Cast Members who are working in extraordinary conditions. And, if you know me, you know that I absolutely LOVED being able to go back to Disneyland. I chose to go before things opened up on June 15 as we felt safer when it was a smaller crowd (so FUN to wander around Disneyland without strollers hitting my heels or people bumping into me because there’s nowhere else to walk) and when masks were enforced. It’s how we felt safer going and because we felt safe, we enjoyed ourselves while we were there.

I’m asking you to do the same: be kind and patient when you go to see your doctor. Kind and understanding not only to your doctor, but to the staff who is working just as hard under extraordinary and stressful conditions. It’s been a lot managing not only my patients and their mental state, but also my own and my family members. I feel like a little bit of empathy can go a long way.

And, for all the haters, I will say that YES, I still love being a pediatrician. I STILL feel privileged to take part in taking care of your kids. I still appreciate the fact that I can do something that I love as my job. But I’m only human.

So this blog has been on the back burner, but I hope that I’ll get it back and running. Thank you for reading! xo

P.S. If you are one of my patient families, please feel free to follow me on Instagram if you’re comfortable. Especially if you’re one of my families who has moved or is in the process of moving out of SoCal. I love to keep in touch and keep up with what’s going on with you and your children. :D

[Featured picture: We took a road trip to Avila Beach and stayed at Sycamore Mineral Springs & Resort and had one of the most relaxing vacations ever. Nearby trails, private mineral springs hot tub, gorgeous gardens and the best company.]

The Deep and Dark Blue

The Deep and Dark Blue

Mother's Day 2021

Mother's Day 2021