Writing Critiques with Mini Me

Writing Critiques with Mini Me

Sometimes Mini Me and I will write side by side. This is always a fun activity because we then end up reading our pieces to each other out loud. There’s nothing that makes you a better critic of your writing than hearing it what it sounds like when read aloud.

I’ve been a part of many critique groups. Currently I’m part of a local children’s book writing group (go Sandscribes!) and a virtual picture book writing group (through 12x12). One of my my majors in undergrad was Creative Writing and I also have my MA in CW so I’ve been a part of a few more formal groups as well. Those were enjoyable but also extremely nerve wracking. As anything is when you wear your heart or your words on your sleeve.

After finishing my thesis during my first year in med school, I took an unintentional break (mostly) from writing. My brain was too filled up with medical jargon and figuring out my place in the world. Ironically these days I find that I’m most inspired by stories of my patients. I don’t write their stories (HIPAA) but their stories give me insight into human relationships.

The most enjoyable critique partner? Mini Me, of course. For the same reason that she’s (one of) my favorite people to sit next to in a movie, musical, or play, I love to see Mini Me’s reactions to things. She has the most infectious laughter. And, for some reason, she gets me. She understands my humor and my characters.

Even better is seeing how she evolves as a writer. Mini Me has been gifted with language since she was a baby. Both Mini Me and Little Lion have been storytellers since they learned to talk. Mini Me’s evolution has been from illustrated ninja stories and princess re-tellings to Hamilton and superhero fanfic to her own urban fantasy novels. Mixed in are short stories full of wit, humor (sometimes dark), fantastical elements, and great storytelling.

So, yes, it’s worth getting my grammar torn apart to have critiques with her. Because I’m rewarded with becoming a better writer. I’m also rewarded with her laughter, and her insight. And I get further insight into her with being able to read her lovely words.

And let’s not forget the best reward: heart-to-heart moments with my girl.

First Pages: Frankly In Love

First Pages: Frankly In Love

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First Pages: Wayward Son