How You Gon' Change The World

How You Gon' Change The World

These pictures were taken early in 2020. I love Jason Reynolds’ books and I thought the back cover message summed up the book so well, as well as encompassing a great theme for a new year. Even if 2020 fell a little short.

As I contemplate the upcoming new year, I know that 2020 is a year that most of us want to leave behind. And with many good reasons. It’s been a stressful year, to say the least.

But one I also am grateful for this reason alone: this year taught me a lot about not taking things or people for granted. I am so grateful for my little and big family, my health, getting to do a job that I love, for books, for food, for my dishwasher and house even as I complain about my chores. I’m grateful for everything essentially.

What my hope for for 2021 is the same thing I hope for every year. To be the best mom and wife that I can be (with hope for more patience and grace than the year before) and the hope that I can make a difference, no matter how small.

This year I’ve seen frontline healthcare workers do what they always do—care for others in the best way that they know how. Even at great sacrifice.

Though I’m not on the front lines, I hope every day (and I remind myself every day) to try make that little difference between the science and ART of medicine. The little difference that shows HEART of medicine.

I’m not going to belittle the hardships of this year, but I do want to share my personal silver lining. The office has slowed down since March. And with that slow down, I find myself not double booked or overbooked. So even if I’m wearing a gown, a mask, goggles, and gloves, sometimes I have a little bit more time with my patient families. A little bit more for the privilege of being their doctor. So I don’t feel so rushed. (Though I may still be running behind.)

How amI going to change the world? I’m not. But I can change my outlook. And I can strive to make a tiny difference in someone’s life.

My 2021 Word

My 2021 Word

By Way of Re-introduction

By Way of Re-introduction