My Experience Getting the COVID Vaccine

My Experience Getting the COVID Vaccine

I had posted about receiving the Covid-19 vaccine on Instagram but it occurred to me that some people may want to read about my experience here, especially as they are contemplating whether to get the vaccine.

Dose 1: I had a strange metallic taste in my mouth the first day and then from hours 12-24, my arm was sore and I was so tired. I also had these odd muscle aches that just felt like my skin was overly sensitive to my clothes. What’s interesting is I spoke with a patient and her mom who had covid a month or so ago and they felt that strange ‘skin pain’ too!

Dose 2: my arm was less sore than the first time but the skin sensitivity hit sooner. I also kept sneezing with a tiny bit of congestion. By 36-48 hours later, I was 100% feeling great.

All in all, I’m grateful for science (I remember being very excited to learn about mRNA in high school biology and all through my biology and microbiology classes in college) and I’m grateful to have received the vaccine. Btw, I got the Pfizer-Biontech version. And the nurses at OCM placed a lovely happy face on my bandaid each time. :D

P.S. Yes, I do recommend you get a Covid vaccine if you meet criteria and there are no contraindications. But, obviously it’s a discussion you need to have with your doctor. Currently two vaccines have been approved for emergency use in the U.S. Both are mRNA based vaccines. The Pfizer-Biontech version is approved for ages 16 and up and Moderna for ages 18 and up. Both are working on studies for children. The Johnson & Johnson and AztraZeneca vaccines are made in the more ‘traditional’ manner but are not yet approved for emergency use.

For more information, please click here for the CDC website.

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