What's Your Go-To Book?

What's Your Go-To Book?

What's your go-to book? When I have nothing to read and no access to the internet (and fan fiction), there are a handful of books that I can always count on. Where She Went by Gayle Forman is one of them.

WSW is the sequel to If I Stay, which I discussed in our First Line series. As I said then, I much prefer WSW and Adam's point of view. And though the film only recognizes the time line of If I Stay, the film captures a lot of the heart of Adam from WSW. 

Here's the thing: If I Stay is based on a concept, and though it's done well, there's only so much story you can tell when you're in a coma.  WSW picks up three years later but with alternating flashbacks that help you discover what's so special about Mia and Adam's relationship and why he was so heartbroken and angry when Mia left him behind. On top of that, you really feel the grief for Adam and how he lost his family too, in a way.

Sometimes I go straight to my favorite chapters in the bookβ€”the bridge scenes (chapters 17-18).  It's not necessarily the climax of the novel but it's a definite turning point.  What I love about Where She Went is that I completely forget that Adam and Mia aren't real.  As a fellow writer, it's hard not to pick apart something when I'm reading it, even if it's done well.  I get pulled out of the story somehow. But never with Where She Went. And whereas I prefer to read a novel or series in one point of view (If I Stay is in Mia's point of view and Where She Went is in Adam's point of view), Forman captures the essence of Adam so well that I'm willing to go with her on this ride. The images and metaphors are spot on, and I'm right there with Adam. Angry, lost, and still selfless in his love and grief.

On a recent plane ride, I had three novels that I had just started, yet I went back to my 'go-to' novel and got sucked in once again. I'm currently at the infamous bridge scenes and I'm sure I'll finish the novel later today.  Because I just can't help myself.

PS Gayle Forman is scheduled to be at the L.A. Times Festival of Books this weekend. I may have to break down and buy a real copy of WSW just so I can get it signed!  (My e-book Kindle copy is well-read.)  Can't wait!  For last year's festival of books shenanigans, click here.  Let's see if I've learned my lesson about over-scheduling.....


Tell Dr. Bookworm!

What is your go-to book?  The one that never fails to suck you in?

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