

From yesterday’s walk. 

Today I’m grateful for my family. 

For our dishwasher that we are lucky to have running every day. 

For my full cupboards. 

That my parents are self isolating. That we can send them groceries. 

For my ever-patient, ever-strong husband. 

For my girls who make me laugh even as I just finished crying after reading the news. 

For the fact that my husband was able to fix our washer. 

For the yummy curry pumpkin soup that turned out better than I thought it would. 

For being able to do circuit training with Mini Me even as my legs are throbbing in pain. 

I’m grateful for all of these things on Quarantine Day 13.  It’s not the apocalypse and it doesn’t have to be.  

We are often silly in our household and during quarantine when we flub our words or start singing a silly song or doing a silly dance, one of us will fake sigh and say ‘Quarantine Day __’ as our excuse. Now more than ever, I love my three housemates AKA Little Lion, Mini Me, and Mr. Bookworm. 

Today Little Lion proclaimed one of her positives is that ‘my mom doesn’t have to work today’. I didn’t have the heart to correct her that I am, in fact, working today. I’m grateful for my job that isn’t just a job but a life calling. I’m grateful for the connections I’ve made with my families and patients. 

And today, I’m also grateful that I have the capability of breathing. 

Breathing in the sun.

Breathing in and appreciating the little moments.

Breathing in through moments of panic that we are all having.


Stay safe, my friends.


Doctors' Day 2020

Doctors' Day 2020

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Balancing Calm and Stress